WCSA快讯】 - 2021年5月16日

昨日晚上,温尼伯华人老年协会举办了 “5.15 初夏夜“开幕典礼活动。 它标志着温尼伯华人老年协会和联邦政府的合作项目“缤纷斑斓桑榆非晚“正式拉开了帷幕。 这个合作项目长达12个月,包含健康讲座,健身运动,兴趣学习, 户外活动。 其目的在于帮助社区年长者老有所为、老有所乐。 在当前疫情严峻时期,它又被赋予了协助社区防疫抗疫的积极意义。

姜彦会长在开幕致辞中回顾了老年协会在过去一年里开展的公益活动,包括开办了预防新冠,减缓焦虑和了解新冠疫苗等系列健康讲座;创办了种菜养花,厨艺和缝纫俱乐部,举办了征文和摄影作品展览活动;此外,共有7000人次参加了协会组织的太极、广场舞、健身操、瑜伽、八段锦和排舞免费健身运动; 150多名会员参加了素描、彩绘,声乐、手机摄影和英语学习;2500多人次参与了约50场系列线上活动,包括音乐晚会,厨艺美食,手工制作,种植经验交流,宾果娱乐,金融知识讲座等。在疫情缓解期间,协会还组织了乒乓球运动、夏日野餐和摄影外拍的小规模集体活动。

在“5.15 初夏夜“的开幕活动中, 50名义工代表着几百名健身项目练习者,为来宾们表演了太极,广场舞,健身操,八段锦和排舞运动。国会议员 Terry Duguid先生,前省督李绍麟先生,曼省议员Jon Reyes先生,文化基金会主席蔡镇潮教授以及文化中心副主席关晓锋医生到场致辞和观礼。


Last night, the Winnipeg Chinese Senior Association (WCSA) held the opening ceremony of ‘5.15 Early Summer Night’. This event marked the official start of the WCSA project, ‘Keep Seniors Engaged, Active and Hale’, which is funded by the Federal New Horizons for Seniors Program. This 12-month collaborative project includes health lectures, fitness, interest learning, and outdoor activities. Its purpose is to help the elderly in the community be active, safe and enjoy life.

In her opening speech, President Jiang Yan reviewed the charity activities carried out, mostly in virtual format, by the WCSA during the previous year. This included a series of health lectures on preventing COVID-19, relieving anxiety and understanding COVID-19 vaccines; the establishment ofGardening, Cooking and Sewing workshops, and holding exhibitions on Essay Writing and Cellphone Photography. In addition, a total of 7,000 participations were achieved in WCSA free fitness programs, such as Tai Chi, Square Dancing, Aerobics, Yoga, Baduanjin and Line Dancing. More than 150 members participated in Sketching, Painting, Vocal Music,Cellphone Photography and English Learning Classes. As well,thousands of people participated in a series of online activities, including Musical Nights, Cooking, Crafting, Gardening Experience Exchanges, Bingo, Financial Knowledge Lectures, etc. During a remission of the COVID-19 pandemic and in compliance with the Manitoba Government health regulations, WCSA also organized small-scale group activities such as Table Tennis, Summer Picnics, Tai Chi in the Park, Seed Exchanges and Outdoor Photography.

During the opening ceremony, 50 volunteers, representing hundreds of regular fitness participants, performed Tai Chi, Square Dancing, Aerobics, Baduanjin and Line Dancing for all the guests in attendance. Some special guests were invited to this event and delivered encouraging speeches in recognition of the WCSA. These notable speakers included: the HonourableTerry Duguid, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages (Western Economic Diversification Canada) and to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change (Canada Water Agency); the Honourable Philip Lee, 24th Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba; Mr. Jon Reyes, Member of the Manitoba Legislative Assembly; Dr. Patrick Choy, Chair of the Winnipeg Chinese Cultural Fund; Dr. Xiaofeng Guan, Vice President of Winnipeg Chinese Community & Cultural Centre.Many WCSA members and community friends also joined the ceremony and enjoyed the performance.

WCSA Promotion Team